A Beautiful Politeness

"A thing of Beauty is a joy forever."

Category: cats

kitten - smitten


Bubbles – Gilead

2014-06-26 19.37.02I saw a bubble float past my window, fat and wobbly and ripening past that dragonfly blue they turn just before they burst. So I looked down at the yard and there you were, you and your mother, blowing bubbles at the cat, such a barrage of them that the  poor beast was beside herself at the glut of opportunity. She was actually leaping in the air, our insouciant Soapy! Some of the bubbles drifted up through the branches, even above the trees. You two were too intent on the cat to see the celestial consequences of your worldly endeavors. They were very lovely. Your mother is wearing her blue dress and you are wearing your red shirt and you were kneeling on the ground together with Soapy in between and that effulgence of bubbles rising, and so much laughter. Ah, this life, this world.

Marilynne Robinson, Gilead


Ex Libris Chronicle: The International Collector

Cats Wallpaper

Cat typography

When I'm a crazy cat lady.

"The Cat's Pajamas," Emily Martin, hand-lettered typography print